Jonas Rexeke - CEO

János Tóth-Égetö - CTO
Spirius is a mobile operator with its own SMS infrastructure (SMSC) and a provider of IoT solutions through smart SIM cards. The ambition has been to deliver high performance, quality, capacity and safety at very competitive prices. Spirius has solid experience in the telecom industry and broad knowledge of customer needs and the technical possibilities available. The company is Swedish and privately owned with offices in Karlskrona and Stockholm.
Jonas Rexeke, CEO and founder of Spirius, has worked within the mobile industry in general and messaging specifically, since 1992 when he launched the text services of Swedish mobile network Europolitan (later Vodafone/Telenor). Jonas has also been responsible for defining and running M2M-forerunners Wireless Maingate propositions within the messaging area. He also formed the communications service company Imez AB.
János Tóth-Égetö, CTO of Spirius, leads the company's technology department. He has over 25 years of experience in software development through a variety of roles, primarily in software architecture and DevOps. János has worked in companies such as Ericsson, Capgemini and Qvantel and has had a number of assignments abroad in Colombia and Spain, including Solution Architect and DevOps manager.